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Generate a random integer within the provided interval.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes int2 (smallint), int4 (int), int8 (bigint), numeric
min The minimum threshold for the random value. The value range depends on the column type. Yes -
max The maximum threshold for the random value. The value range depends on the column type. Yes -
keep_null Indicates whether NULL values should be replaced with transformed values or not true No -


The RandomInt transformer generates a random integer within the specified min and max thresholds. The behaviour for NULL values can be configured using the keep_null parameter.

Example: Generate random item quantity

In the following example, the RandomInt transformer generates a random value in the range from 1 to 30 and assigns it to the orderqty column.

RandomInt transformer example
- schema: "sales"
  name: "salesorderdetail"
    - name: "RandomInt"
        column: "orderqty"
        min: 1
        max: 30
Expected result
| column name | original value | transformed |
| orderqty    | 1              | 8           |