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Core functions

Below you can find custom core functions which are divided into categories based on the transformation purpose.

PostgreSQL driver functions

Function Description
null Returns the NULL value that can be used for the driver encoding-decoding operations
isNull Returns true if the checked value is NULL
isNotNull Returns true if the checked value is not NULL
sqlCoalesce Works as a standard SQL coalesce function. It allows you to choose the first non-NULL argument from the list.

JSON output function

Function Description
jsonExists Checks if the path value exists in JSON. Returns true if the path exists.
mustJsonGet Gets the JSON attribute value by path and throws an error if the path does not exist
mustJsonGetRaw Gets the JSON attribute raw value by path and throws an error if the path does not exist
jsonGet Gets the JSON attribute value by path and returns nil if the path does not exist
jsonGetRaw Gets the JSON attribute raw value by path and returns nil if the path does not exist
jsonSet Sets the value for the JSON document by path
jsonSetRaw Sets the raw value for the JSON document by path
jsonDelete Deletes an attribute from the JSON document by path
jsonValidate Validates the JSON document syntax and throws an error if there are any issues
jsonIsValid Checks the JSON document for validity and returns true if it is valid
toJsonRawValue Casts any type of value to the raw JSON value

Testing functions

Function Description
isInt Checks if the value of an integer type
isFloat Checks if the value of a float type
isNil Checks if the value is nil
isString Checks if the value of a string type
isMap Checks if the value of a map type
isSlice Checks if the value of a slice type
isBool Checks if the value of a boolean type

Transformation and generators


Replaces characters with asterisk * symbols depending on the provided masking rule. If the value is NULL, it is kept unchanged. This function is based on ggwhite/go-masker.

Rule Description Example input Example output
default Returns the sequence of * symbols of the same length test1234 ********
name Masks the second and the third letters ABCD A**D
password Always returns a sequence of *
address Keeps first 6 letters, masks the rest Larnaca, makarios st Larnac*************
email Keeps a domain and the first 3 letters, masks the rest ggw****
mobile Masks 3 digits starting from the 4th digit 0987654321 0987***321
telephone Removes (, ), , - symbols, masks last 4 digits of a telephone number, and formats it to (??)????-???? 0227993078 (02)2799-****
id Masks last 4 digits of an ID A123456789 A12345****
credit_card Masks 6 digits starting from the 7th digit 1234567890123456 123456******3456
url Masks the password part of the URL (if applicable) http://admin:mysecretpassword@localhost:1234/uri http://admin:xxxxx@localhost:1234/uri

masking(dataType string, value string) (res string, err error)

  • dataType — one of the masking rules (see previous tab)
  • value — the original string value
  • res — a masked string
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Truncates datetime up to the provided part.

truncateDate(part string, original time.Time) (res time.Time, err error)

  • part — the truncation part. Must be one of nano, second, minute, hour, day, month, or year
  • original — the original datetime value
  • res — a truncated datetime
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Adds or subtracts a random duration in the provided interval to or from the original date value.

noiseDate(interval string, original time.Time) (res time.Time, err error)

  • interval — the maximum value of ratio that is added to the original value. The format is the same as in the PostgreSQL interval format.
  • original — the original time value
  • res — a noised date
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Adds or subtracts a random fraction to or from the original float value. Multiplies the original float value by a provided random value that is not higher than the ratio parameter and adds it to the original value with the option to specify the precision via the precision parameter.

noiseFloat(ratio float, precision int, value float) (res float64, err error)

  • ratio — the maximum multiplier value in the interval (0:1). The value will be randomly generated up to ratio, multiplied by the original value, and the result will be added to the original value.
  • precision — the precision of the resulted value
  • value — the original value
  • res — a noised float value
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Adds or subtracts a random fraction to or from the original integer value. Multiplies the original integer value by a provided random value that is not higher than the ratio parameter and adds it to the original value.

noiseInt(ratio float, value float) (res int, err error)

  • ratio — the max multiplier value in the interval (0:1). The value will be generated randomly up to ratio, multiplied by the original value, and the result will be added to the original value.
  • value — the original value
  • res — a noised integer value
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Generates a random boolean value.


Generates a random date within the provided interval.

randomDate(min time.Time, max time.Time) (res time.Time, err error)

  • min — the minimum random value threshold
  • max — the maximum random value threshold
  • res — a randomly generated date value
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Generates a random float value within the provided interval.

randomFloat(min any, max any, precision int) (res float, err error)

  • min — the minimum random value threshold
  • max — the maximum random value threshold
  • precision — the precision of the resulted value
  • res — a randomly generated float value
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Generates a random integer value within the provided interval.

randomInt(min int, max int) (res int, err error)

  • min — the minimum random value threshold
  • max — the maximum random value threshold
  • res — a randomly generated int value
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Generates a random string using the provided characters within the specified length range.

randomString(minLength int, maxLength int, symbols string) (res string, err error)

  • minLength — the minimum string length
  • maxLength — the maximum string length
  • symbols — a string with a set of symbols which can be used. The default value is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890
  • res — a randomly generated string value
  • err — an error if there is an issue


Rounds a float value up to provided precision.

roundFloat(precision int, original float) (res float, err error)

  • precision — the precision of the value
  • original — the original float value
  • res — a rounded float value
  • err — an error if there is an issue