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Add or subtract a random fraction to the original float value.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes float4 (real), float8 (double precision), numeric
ratio The maximum random percentage for noise, from 0 to 1, e. g. 0.1 means "add noise up to 10%" Yes -
precision The precision of the noised float value (number of digits after the decimal point) 4 No -


The NoiseFloat transformer multiplies the original float value by a provided random value that is not higher than the ratio parameter and adds it to or subtracts it from the original value. Additionally, you can specify the number of decimal digits by using the precision parameter.

Example: Adding noise to the purchase price

In this example, the original value of standardprice will be noised up to 50% and rounded up to 2 decimals.

NoiseFloat transformer example
- schema: "purchasing"
  name: "productvendor"
    - name: "NoiseFloat"
        column: "standardprice"
        ratio: 0.5
        precision: 2