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Execute a Go template and automatically apply the result to a specified column.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes any
template A Go template string Yes -
validate Validates the template result using the PostgreSQL driver decoding procedure. Throws an error if a custom type does not have an encode-decoder implementation. false No -


The Template transformer executes Go templates and automatically applies the template result to a specified column. Go template system is designed to be extensible, enabling developers to access data objects and incorporate custom functions programmatically. For more information, you can refer to the official Go Template documentation.

With the Template transformer, you can implement complicated transformation logic using basic or custom template functions. Below you can get familiar with the basic template functions for the Template transformer. For more information about available custom template functions, see Custom functions.


Pay attention to the whitespaces in templates. Use dash-wrapped - brackets {{- -}} for trimming the spaces. For example, the value "2023-12-19" is not the same as " 2023-12-19 " and it may throw an error when restoring.

Template functions

Function Description Signature
.GetColumnType Returns a string with the column type. .GetColumnType(name string) (typeName string, err error)
.GetValue Returns the column value for column assigned in the column parameter, encoded by the PostgreSQL driver into any type along with any associated error. Supported types include int, float, time, string, bool, as well as slice or map of any type. .GetValue() (value any, err error)
.GetRawValue Returns a raw value as a string for column assigned in the column parameter. .GetRawColumnValue(name string) (value string, err error)
.GetColumnValue Returns an encoded value for a specified column or throws an error. A value can be any of int, float, time, string, bool, or slice or map. .GetColumnValue(name string) (value any, err error)
.GetRawColumnValue Returns a raw value for a specified column as a string or throws an error .GetRawColumnValue(name string) (value string, err error)
.EncodeValue Encodes a value of any type into its string representation using the type assigned to the table column specified in the column parameter. Encoding is performed through the PostgreSQL driver. Throws an error if types are incompatible. .EncodeValue(value any) (res any, err error)
.DecodeValue Decodes a value from its raw string representation to a Golang type using the data type assigned to the table column specified in the column parameter. Decoding is performed through the PostgreSQL driver. Throws an error if types are incompatible. .DecodeValueByColumn(value any) (res any, err error)
.EncodeValueByColumn Encodes a value of any type into its raw string representation using the specified column name. Encoding is performed through the PostgreSQL driver. Throws an error if types are incompatible. .EncodeValueByColumn(name string, value any) (res any, err error)
.DecodeValueByColumn Decodes a value from its raw string representation to a Golang type using the specified column name. Decoding is performed through the PostgreSQL driver. Throws an error if types are incompatible. .DecodeValueByColumn(name string, value any) (res any, err error)
.EncodeValueByType Encodes a value of any type into its string representation using the specified type name. Encoding is performed through the PostgreSQL driver. Throws an error if types are incompatible. .EncodeValueByType(name string, value any) (res any, err error)
.DecodeValueByType Decodes a value from its raw string representation to a Golang type using the specified type name. Decoding is performed through the PostgreSQL driver. Throws an error if types are incompatible. .DecodeValueByType(name string, value any) (res any, err error)

Example: Update the firstname column

Below you can see the table structure:


Change rule

The goal is to modify the firstname column based on the following conditions:

  • If the current value of the firstname column is equal to Terri, replace it with Mary.
  • For all other cases, generate a random name and append Jr.

Using a template function

To generate random names, you can use the fakerFirstName template function, which is designed to create synthetic names.

Template transformer example
- schema: "humanresources"
  name: "employee"
    - name: "Template"
        column: "firstname"
        template: >
          {{- if eq .GetValue "Terri" -}}
          {{- else -}}
            {{- fakerFirstName -}} Jr
          {{- end -}}

        validate: true

Expected result:

column name original value transformed
firstname Terri Mary
column name original value transformed
firstname Ken Jr Mike