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show-transformer command

This command prints out detailed information about a transformer by a provided name, including specific attributes to help you understand and configure the transformer effectively.

To show detailed information about a transformer, use the following command:

greenmask --config=config.yml show-transformer TRANSFORMER_NAME

Supported flags:

  • --format — allows to select the output format. There are two options available: text or json. The default setting is text.

Example of show-transformer output:


When using the show-transformer command, you receive detailed information about the transformer and its parameters and their possible attributes. Below are the key parameters for each transformer:

  • Name — the name of the transformer
  • Description — a brief description of what the transformer does
  • Parameters — a list of transformer parameters, each with its own set of attributes. Possible attributes include:

    • description — a brief description of the parameter's purpose
    • required — a flag indicating whether the parameter is required when configuring the transformer
    • link_parameter — specifies whether the value of the parameter will be encoded using a specific parameter type encoder. For example, if a parameter named column is linked to another parameter start, the start parameter's value will be encoded according to the column type when the transformer is initialized.
    • cast_db_type — indicates that the value should be encoded according to the database type. For example, when dealing with the INTERVAL data type, you must provide the interval value in PostgreSQL format.
    • default_value — the default value assigned to the parameter if it's not provided during configuration.
    • column_properties — if a parameter represents the name of a column, it may contain additional properties, including:
      • nullable — indicates whether the transformer may produce NULL values, potentially violating the NOT NULL constraint
      • unique — specifies whether the transformer guarantees unique values for each call. If set to true, it means that the transformer cannot produce duplicate values, ensuring compliance with the UNIQUE constraint.
      • affected — indicates whether the column is affected during the transformation process. If not affected, the column's value might still be required for transforming another column.
      • allowed_types — a list of data types that are compatible with this parameter
      • skip_original_data — specifies whether the original value of the column, before transformation, is relevant for the transformation process
      • skip_on_null — indicates whether the transformer should skip the transformation when the input column value is NULL. If the column value is NULL, interaction with the transformer is unnecessary.


The default value in JSON format is base64 encoded. This might be changed in later version of Greenmask.

JSON output example
    "properties": {
      "name": "NoiseFloat",
      "description": "Make noise float for int",
      "is_custom": false
    "parameters": [
        "name": "column",
        "description": "column name",
        "required": true,
        "is_column": true,
        "is_column_container": false,
        "column_properties": {
          "max_length": -1,
          "affected": true,
          "allowed_types": [
          "skip_on_null": true
        "name": "ratio",
        "description": "max random percentage for noise",
        "required": false,
        "is_column": false,
        "is_column_container": false,
        "default_value": "MC4x"
        "name": "decimal",
        "description": "decimal of noised float value (number of digits after coma)",
        "required": false,
        "is_column": false,
        "is_column_container": false,
        "default_value": "NA=="