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list-transformers command

The list-transformers command provides a list of all the allowed transformers, including both standard and advanced transformers. This list can be helpful for searching for an appropriate transformer for your data transformation needs.

To show a list of available transformers, use the following command:

greenmask --config=config.yml list-transformers

Supported flags:

  • --format — allows to select the output format. There are two options available: text or json. The default setting is text.

Example of list-transformers output:


When using the list-transformers command, you receive a list of available transformers with essential information about each of them. Below are the key parameters for each transformer:

  • NAME — the name of the transformer
  • DESCRIPTION — a brief description of what the transformer does
  • COLUMN PARAMETER NAME — name of a column or columns affected by transformation
  • SUPPORTED TYPES — list the supported value types

The JSON call greenmask --config=config.yml list-transformers --format=json has the same attributes:

JSON format output
    "name": "Cmd",
    "description": "Transform data via external program using stdin and stdout interaction",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "columns",
        "supported_types": [
    "name": "Dict",
    "description": "Replace values matched by dictionary keys",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "column",
        "supported_types": [