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Standard transformers

Standard transformers are ready-to-use methods that require no customization and perform with just as little as parameters input. Below you can find an index of all standard transformers currently available in Greenmask.

  1. Cmd — transforms data via external program using stdin and stdout interaction.
  2. Dict — replaces values matched by dictionary keys.
  3. Hash — generates a hash of the text value.
  4. Masking — masks a value using one of the masking behaviors depending on your domain.
  5. NoiseDate — randomly adds or subtracts a duration within the provided ratio interval to the original date value.
  6. NoiseFloat — adds or subtracts a random fraction to the original float value.terval to the original date value.
  7. NoiseNumeric — adds or subtracts a random fraction to the original numeric value.
  8. NoiseInt — adds or subtracts a random fraction to the original integer value.
  9. RandomBool — generates random boolean values.
  10. RandomChoice — replaces values randomly chosen from a provided list.
  11. RandomDate — generates a random date in a specified interval.
  12. RandomFloat — generates a random float within the provided interval.
  13. RandomInt — generates a random integer within the provided interval.
  14. RandomString — generates a random string using the provided characters within the specified length range.
  15. RandomUuid — generates a random unique user ID.
  16. RandomLatitude — generates a random latitude value.
  17. RandomLongitude — generates a random longitude value.
  18. RandomUnixTimestamp — generates a random Unix timestamp.
  19. RandomDayOfWeek — generates a random day of the week.
  20. RandomDayOfMonth — generates a random day of the month.
  21. RandomMonthName — generates the name of a random month.
  22. RandomYearString — generates a random year as a string.
  23. RandomCentury — generates a random century.
  24. RandomTimezone — generates a random timezone.
  25. RandomEmail — generates a random email address.
  26. RandomUsername — generates a random username.
  27. RandomPassword — generates a random password.
  28. RandomDomainName — generates a random domain name.
  29. RandomURL — generates a random URL.
  30. RandomMac — generates a random MAC addresses.
  31. RandomIP — generates a random IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
  32. RandomWord — generates a random word.
  33. RandomSentence — generates a random sentence.
  34. RandomParagraph — generates a random paragraph.
  35. RandomCCType — generates a random credit card type.
  36. RandomCCNumber — generates a random credit card number.
  37. RandomCurrency — generates a random currency code.
  38. RandomAmountWithCurrency — generates a random monetary amount with currency.
  39. RandomPerson — generates a random person data (first name, last name, etc.)
  40. RandomPhoneNumber — generates a random phone number.
  41. RandomTollFreePhoneNumber — generates a random toll-free phone number.
  42. RandomE164PhoneNumber — generates a random phone number in E.164 format.
  43. RealAddress — generates a real address.
  44. RegexpReplace — replaces a string using a regular expression.
  45. Replace — replaces an original value by the provided one.
  46. SetNull — sets NULL value to the column.