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Add or subtract a random fraction to the original integer value.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes int2, int4, int8
min_ratio The minimum random percentage for noise, from 0 to 1, e. g. 0.1 means "add noise up to 10%" 0.05 No -
max_ratio The maximum random percentage for noise, from 0 to 1, e. g. 0.1 means "add noise up to 10%" Yes -
min Min threshold of noised value No -
max Min threshold of noised value No -
engine The engine used for generating the values [random, hash]. Use hash for deterministic generation random No -

Dynamic parameters

Parameter Supported types
min int2, int4, int8
max int2, int4, int8


The NoiseInt transformer multiplies the original integer value by randomly generated value that is not higher than the max_ratio parameter and not less that max_ratio parameter and adds it to or subtracts it from the original value.

In case you have constraints on the integer range, you can set the min and max parameters to specify the threshold values. The values for min and max must have the same format as the column parameter. Parameters min and max support dynamic mode.


If the noised value exceeds the max threshold, the transformer will set the value to max. If the noised value is lower than the min threshold, the transformer will set the value to min.

The engine parameter allows you to choose between random and hash engines for generating values. Read more about the engines in the Transformation engines section.

Example: Noise vacation hours of an employee

In the following example, the original value of vacationhours will be noised up to 40%. The transformer will set the value to 10 if the noised value is lower than 10 and to 1000 if the noised value exceeds 1000.

NoiseInt transformer example
- schema: "humanresources"
  name: "employee"
    - name: "NoiseInt"
        column: "vacationhours"
        max_ratio: 0.4
        min: 10
        max: 1000

